Monday, September 27, 2021


An important message for saving the planet and for saving money on your electricity bill.

電気 (でんき) - Lights, Electricity

を - Noun to verb connecting particle

消しましょう (けしましょう) - Turn off, Erase

Translation: Let's turn off the lights!

The verb ending ~ましょう along with the です form でしょう are a Probability or Let's verb form used to advocate for a preferred action or agreement on a subject that could translate to right? or isn't it?


カーフェに行きましょう。Let's go to a cafe.

そのテレビ番号は面白いでしょう。That TV show is interesting isn't it?

And many times you will hear people say でしょう? during a conversation to show interest and agreement in what is being said.

So the next 日本会話 you have, give it a go and watch your 友達の顔 light up with excitement.



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