Monday, September 13, 2021


Japan is has a large bicycle culture and you might be tempted to park it on the street. Well, if you do, you might come out to your bike being impounded by the authorities. 

Why? Because they hate illegal bicycle parking. And once they get your bike, your better off going to the 自転車屋 to buy a new one, because the fee to get it out of impound is high, the impound lot is way out in the middle of nowhere, and once you get it back, if you can find it, you can't take it back on the train, you have to ride it all the way home.

And if you go the impound and they don't have it, then it was probably stolen.

So take it from me, just park your bike in a designated lot or space, or park it in an alley where the authorities won't find it. Plus, put a lock on it and never spend too much on it unless you plan on going for long expeditions through the countryside.

Which means this sign will be very helpful for you.

自転車 (じてんしゃ) - Bicycle
出入口 (でいりぐち) - Exit and Entrance
先 (さき) - Ahead
Translation: Bicycle Exit and Entrance 50 meters ahead.

Pretty simple.



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