Thursday, February 3, 2022


Get your beans! 今日は節分ですよ!

節分 (せつぶん) - First day of Spring according to the Lunar Calendar and a festival when a person dressed as the 鬼 (おに) - Japanese Ogre or real Ogre arrives at your house and you, the children, throw 豆 (まめ) -beans at them to go away.

The 鬼 represents the harsh winter and the 豆 represent the seeds of Spring. In this ritual of throwing 豆, you are chasing away the 鬼, Winter and planting the seeds of Spring.

Is this any crazier than a groundhog coming out of hibernation and seeing or not seeing its shadow to predict 6 more weeks of Winter or 6 more weeks to spring?

Let me know in the comments or email

