Tuesday, August 12, 2014


This is a sign I saw near the convenient store on Europa Dori in Shinsaibashi, Osaka.

ご注意(ちゅうい)- Warning/Watch out/ Be careful
キャッチ- Catch
セールス - Sales
ヨーロッパ村(むら)- Europe Village
周防町(すおうまち)- Original name for Europe Village
通り(どおり) -Street
商店会(しょうてんがい)- Shopping Association

は - Main subject particle
クリーンな - Clean (a な adjective includes な before the noun it describes.)
街(まち)- Town/City
づくり - Cultivating/Growing
を - Particle to link nouns with verbs
推進(すいしん)- Promoting
しています。 - Present continuous form of the verb する(to do)

Translation: Warning! Catch Sales; Europe Village Suoumachi Street Shopping Association is promoting a growing clean city.

路上(ろじょう)- the Street
での- Preposition particle for 'On'
強引な(ごういん)- Forcible
客引き(きゃくひき)- A tout/barker (Person who picks up customers in the street)
など- Etc.
が- Subject particle (second to は)
頻発(ひんぱつ)- Occur frequently/happen often
被害(ひがい)- Damage
に - Preposition Particle used for direction; 'to'
 遭われない (あわれない) - Don't meet with/encounter (in Passive Voice)
よう - (Suffix after the verb) method of ..., way to ...

Translation: Forcible touts on the street are frequently selling scams. Please take care to not be a victim of these encounters. 


キャッチセールス is a type of scam or selling method where you are approached in the street and offered great deals if you come to their store. Often they might cheap food prices, but then drinks are really expensive; They invite you to get a free sample, but then force you to buy something before your allowed to leave. These types of scams and others happen a lot in Japan unfortunately.

Kanji Note

 In the キャッチセールス sign above they include り to signify 通り but with Kanji you don't always have to spell out the whole word in an informative sign. Without adding the Kana in the sign the meaning can still be understood, as in the above sign, the Kanji 通 represents 'street' without り.



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