Thursday, February 3, 2022


Get your beans! 今日は節分ですよ!

節分 (せつぶん) - First day of Spring according to the Lunar Calendar and a festival when a person dressed as the 鬼 (おに) - Japanese Ogre or real Ogre arrives at your house and you, the children, throw 豆 (まめ) -beans at them to go away.

The 鬼 represents the harsh winter and the 豆 represent the seeds of Spring. In this ritual of throwing 豆, you are chasing away the 鬼, Winter and planting the seeds of Spring.

Is this any crazier than a groundhog coming out of hibernation and seeing or not seeing its shadow to predict 6 more weeks of Winter or 6 more weeks to spring?

Let me know in the comments or email



Tuesday, January 4, 2022

This is the 招き猫 (まねきねこ) - Beckoning Cat. 

福 (ふく) - Blessing, Fortune, Good Will, Luck

These 招き猫 are often sold as good luck charms and are believed to bring good fortune to the owner.

The pose is a the 猫 on its hind legs holding a coin with the 漢字 福 written on it, while the other paw gestures for the viewer to come near.

In Japan, to ask for someone to come closer, they hold their hand straight out or up with the palm facing down and curl their fingers back.

This is different than the American way of holding the palm up and moving the hand, or arm, back and forth as if they were grabbing them and pulling them closer.

This is a small cultural difference in gaining someone's attention, although 日本人 say, "来て、来て" (きて), while Americans say, "Come here" which translates the same.




Saturday, January 1, 2022




Translation: Happy New Year!

