Monday, June 21, 2021

Product Review: Dorling Kindersley (DK) 15-Minute Japanese Language Learning Book and Audio

I picked up Dorling Kindersley or DK 15-Minute Japanese at the Library, a great source for for trying out new and different learning materials, but also why the cover is bent and broken. The 2 audio CDs were fine and the book was also in good shape, only the plastic case seems to have been stepped on, yet did its job of protecting the materials inside. やった!!

Kanji from the Cover includes:

提灯 (ちょうちん) - Paper Lantern
扇子 (せんす) - Folding Fan
湯呑み (ゆのみ) - Teacup
着物 (きもの) - Kimono; traditional Japanese clothing
人形 (にんぎょう) - Doll
盆栽 (ぼんさい) - Bonsai Tree

扇子 is difficult to see on the front, but once we open the case and see the 2 CDs and book, you can see it in the corner. The CDs also reprint the same pictures and Kanji from the cover and include a few new ones on Disk 2 that includes:

麺 (メン ) - Noodles; written in Katakana as in ラメん
下駄 (げた) - Geta, Wooden Clogs; traditional Japanese footwear
and the one hiding under Disk 1 is 寿司 (すし🍣 ) - Sushi; Do I need to define Sushi?

Inside the book are really nice pictures of real life objects, real people and each lesson is organized in actual everyday scenarios that include: Greetings, Family, Work, Getting Directions, In a Cafe, Shopping and other daily life language essentials.

Every lesson starts with introducing vocabulary then starts putting the words to use in conversations you are most likely to have within each situation.

For example in the cafe, you learn coffee コーヒー and cake ケーキ and how to say, "Coffee, please." コーヒーをお願いします。And ask questions, "Do you have cake?" ケーキがありますか? And the most important economic question of all, "How much is that?" いくらですか?

This page teaches you about Electronics, Supermarket, Shops and Museum. The CD speaks the words and phrases for you to listen and repeat them. Then there are dialogue role-playing when a speaker will ask a question, and using what you learned, you answer them.

The book uses a mix of Romanji, Japanese spelled out in English, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji! From the photo I took, you can't see the Japanese words and phrases in the sidebars. Sorry.

Yet for a better look and more product details with sample pages, go to the DK 15-Minute Japanese ordering site clicking --> HERE <--これ. Although, I always recommend going to your local library's website and searching to see if they have it first before spending money on a product that may not suit your needs.

Overall, if my rating system is out of 五, then I give this product a 四.五.

I really like the simple structure. It doesn't weigh you down with unnecessary grammar and explanations. The CDs don't overly repeat every phrase. The product is organized in useful categories with useful and need to know vocabulary and phrases that are good to know in Japan.

The actors in the audio speak a good pace. The audio is clear and dialogue directions are clear.

Most of all, it's a learning product. Although it is teaching you common greetings and phrases, it isn't like other Phrase Books that just have you repeat until you can say things by memory. Each chapter introduces a scenario, teaches you important vocabulary and phrases, then uses exercises and quizzes to help reinforce learning.

The relies too much on Romanji. The headings are in English and should also include the Japanese. The product is too short so I hope they think about making a Part 2 with more scenarios to help continue building language learning.

Although one of my pros is it's not a Phrase Book, it does lack in some grammar teaching. They could have chapters on the difference between Particles such as は and が, へ and に to push the reader to want to learn and explore more about the Japanese language.

If you have used this product, please let me know what you think of it. If you are inspired to check it out, also let me know how you like and dislike it. Or just tell me your favorite Japanese language learning tool. There are so many out there to choose from.



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