Thursday, September 12, 2013


 Here's a handwritten sign in the restroom where I work in front of the urinals. 

私 - I
は- Main subject particle
 汚しません(よごしません)- Don't make dirty/pollute
責男(せめおとこ)- Responsible man
も - Particle that means 'also'
一歩(いっぽ)- One step
前(まえ)- Forward/Closer
で - Particle that can be used with place and sometimes can end a sentence

Translation: I don't make it dirty, so the responsible man also take one step forward.

Honestly, I had a lot of trouble with these two Kanji:
The style in which it is handwritten doesn't read very well for my untrained eye in handwritten Kanji. I'm so use to seeing Kanji in books and on computer screens in their digital format that sometimes the hand written version looks alien to me. Especially . The line on the left doesn't connect to the rest of the square so I was convinced it was something else but after using all my resources I've concluded that it has to be 男.

If you agree or disagree please let me know. Also, if you have any hand written Kanji sign pictures please share them here at death by kanji. 



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1 comment:

  1. Hi Joshua,
    I think this Kanji is "貴男".
    We can write this Kanji as "貴方" instead of "貴男".
    It means "you".


    I hope this comment will be your help.
